Friday, October 10, 2008


Geezus!!! What the hell is wrong with Sarah Palin? I, like most people, have been slightly amused by the sheer ridiculousness of the comedy show that is Palin, but now it's gone too far. I'm one that believes in being able to express an opinion in a productive and intellectual manner but damn...she is dumb as a bag of dirt! I have never witness anyone on t.v. with such an endless supply of bullshit since Billy O'. Let's examine a few of the charming aspects of Sarah Palin.

1. If she f-in winks at me one more time I'm going to vomit! Who the hell does that??? How can you in one breathe complain about sexism and then stand on a stage during a vp debate and wink repeatedly at the camera. WINK???? WINK???? The only women who winks at a job interview are strippers! Not that I mean to offend any woman who chooses to be a stripper by comparing her to Palin. Ms. Palin, you really need to get that twitching eye thing checked out.

2. What the fuck is up with this Obama is a terrorist shit? Terrorist?? really? that's the best you could come up with? What next? He as cooties? If you don't know who Barack Obama is, you REALLY have not read any of those infinite amounts of magazines and newspapers that have been put infront of you. You're a fucking moron. Who the HELL are YOU???? Why don't you just go ahead and say that you don't trust him because he's not like you...because he's black.

3. Ok, so I know that people have been ranting about all these sexist comments that no one seemed to have cared about when Hillary Clinton was running but because I am confident in my feminism I'm going say what I think anyway. I'm sorry but saying that your "family values" talk is contradictory to your actions is not sexist. If you claim to be the party of "family values" then what the hell are you doing running around the country when you have an infant, a small child, and a pregnant 17 year old at home? I would feel this way if Palin was a man! Woman or Man, that family obviously have a lot going on that needs the full attention of BOTH parents so unless Todd is some kind of super hero, Palin is in fact sacrificing her family values to romp around the country calling Obama a terrorist.

4. Can we please stop with these accusations that being pro-choice is being pro-abortion? Really, it's old. If her pregnant daughter is off limits then why the hell isn't everyone else's pregnant daughter off limits? I'm sorry but saying that a girl who gets raped by her father does not get to talk through that decision with her loved ones and make her own decision about such a tremendously personal decision is completely barbaric. Then again, expected from someone who feels like women should pay for their own rape kits. Are you kidding me? Palin...stay the hell out of my uterus.

5. Palin has a gay friend...please, someone give her a damn cookie for having a gay friend. I think it makes it worse that she has a gay friend. What kind of heartless monster doesn't think their FRIEND deserves to be able to love the one they choose.

This list can go on for days but I don't want to waste that much time on Palin...she's not worth her weight in shit. Her annoying, sarcastic, trying to insinuate that Obama is a terrorist, woman hatting, RACIST, ignorant tactics needs to go back to her cave in Alaska so she can keep an eye on the Russian. SHE is putting the woman's movement back a thousand years.